Just close your eyes, the sun is going down ♥ |
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Stuck in headyou're now listening to 'Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift' |
new thing at DeltaRabu, 30 November 2011 05.40It's linked to attendance. Yep the new way of knowing students attendance for teachers. We only need to place our finger (thumb) on an device that can determine whose finger it is and POOP! Your photo appears . lol It's new for me so i'm kinda curious about it.I'm usually the 1st student who come to school, so I could satisfy my curiousity about it. I really wanted to know whether it will work or not if I put my other finger like middle finger, etc. andd I got that loud voice of '' silahkan coba lagi'' . Okay so that's enough. I gave up I put my thumb on it. and my photo appears. lol This's my last post about SMAN 8 Tangerang. Finally I did it! Label: SMAN 8 Tangerang ▲ back to the top | 0 mockingjay(s) SMAN 8 Tangerang's relation05.14As I mentioned before SMAN 8 Tangerang has done a visit to Malaisian school and Singaporean school . It was for about 5 days. My teacher said that they're our sisters and they will visit us too in the future. A little day dreamer eh? Atleast we've visited them and may be they pay by visiting us too. I can't say much about this cause I didn't join it. There's like an sorta kinda an appointment between SMA 8 Tangerang and Malaisian and Singaporean school. here you goo1 more post to goooooo. Guten tag! Label: SMAN 8 Tangerang ▲ back to the top | 0 mockingjay(s) Delta's Extracurricular ActivitiesSelasa, 29 November 2011 16.44Hey hey! This is my 8th posts about SMAN 8 Tangerang. I hope you keep reading my post (is it important, huh? ) By the title you know what I’m going to write, don’t you? I’m going to write about extracurricular activities in SMAN 8 Tangerang. In SMAN 8 Tangerang there are many extracurricular activities. Every students have to choose one of them, we could choose more than one as long as it’s not in the same time, like Basketball, futsal, etc. We have etracurricular activities every Saturday at 10-12 am. We used to have it after school which meant we could go home at 5pm (school used to finish at 2.30 m) . Wasn’t it crazy?! But now it’s better. We have a time to do our homework after school finihed. All of the extracurricular activities in SMAN 8 Tangerang are interesting. It’s a bit difficult to choose one and almost all extracurricular activities are in one time. There are Choir, ICT Club, Tari Saman, PMR, Olympiad preparations, Paskibra, Rohis, Photography, English Club and many more. The first time I chose 2 of them, ICT club and Photography, But cause of something I only took ICT Club. ICT Club has 3 divisions, Cinematography, Troubleshooting and Programming. I chose Cinematography at the first time but then changed to Programming. That’s cause I’m still emotionally unstabile. Cinematography is for everyone who is interested in making films. But actually every division is involved when there’s a project to make a new film. Programming is for everyone who’s interested in writing computer programs, such as html code etc. Troubleshooting might be for everyone who’s interested in fixing computers (?) I don’t really know. I’m that interested with that. There are many activities in IT Club that’s not related to Computer stuffs like Sahur on the Road, ICT club’s birthday, etc. It was fun to be apart of ICT Club btw. Olympiad preparation is my only one extracurricular activities now. There are Maths Olimpiad preparation, Physics Olimpiad preparation, Chemistry Olimpiad Preparation, and many more. I take Chemistry Olimpiad preparation since I’m interested in Chemistry. We only have about 9 students in that chemistry lovers. The tutor is Ms. Purwaningsih. She teaches in a simplest way that we can undertand. It also makes chemistry not really difficult. Maybe those are all the things I could say about extracurricular activities in SMAN 8 Tangerang. If I wrote more about it, it’d be in 1000 words. So I think this is enough. You can imagine about it, can’t you ? ;) Okay so see you in the next post! Cheers! Label: SMAN 8 Tangerang ▲ back to the top | 0 mockingjay(s) SMAN 8 Tangerang's new building16.24Do you know that SMAN 8 Tangerang would have a new building?! you don’t?! But you know it now, don’t you?Maybe you think that I’m really proud about that, but I don’t. Well a little of me’s proud. And by this post I don’t mean to be so arrogant or something. I just run out of ideas (again) so I write this. SMAN 8 Tangerang has 4 building. One building for year XI students, one for year Xth and XIIth students, one for teachers and staffs, and one for laboratory and library. And there’ll be a new building which is going to be our 5th building. I heard that our principal had a plan to have a gymnasium or maybe a soundproof room or a hall and some new classes there. This post’s kinda short, isn’t it? -___- Anyway this’s my 7th post (hooray!) 3 more posts to go. Label: SMAN 8 Tangerang ▲ back to the top | 0 mockingjay(s) Dilemma of TechnologySenin, 28 November 2011 17.29I'm not going to write about a love dilemma like some teenagers usually do or about SMAN 8 Tangerang, I knew that you're fed up with it though I still have to write 4 more posts about SMAN 8 Tangerang. So, I'm going to write about dilemma of technology. You’re looking a bit rough. See, in the old days, you’d have cycled to get to school or to meet your friend that's 7 km away from your house . Proves my point, eh? ‘His point, an angkot's philosopher, was that our quality of life was shooting downhill thanks to technology. He said that to a young woman who's sitting next to him. I didn't mean to eavesdrop the conversation between them. I bet that everyone could have heard them talking, it's a bit loud. Would it have been churlish to point out any of three things? 1: without technology he’d have no car to drive; 2: he wouldn't get money cause he wouldn't have a car to drive; and 3: my quality of life would be immeasurably improved if he’s be quiet and stops talking loudly. Churlish indeed, particularly since the bulk of the population would certainly agree with him. Technology needs PR. Even before Little Boy wiped out a Japanese city, our abuse and misuse of technology has provided myriad ways of wiping planet earth of our presence. This is the technological dilemma faced by western society- on the one hand, the overdependence of life in industrial countries on technology, and, on the other, the threat that that technology will destroy the quality of life in modern society and even endanger society itself. Technology thus confronts Western civilisation with the need to make a decision, or rather than destructively. In a nutshell, we need to do something while the problems presented by rapid technological growth can still be solved. I will consider three of these problems. The technological problems associated with nuclear power are being ignored while we fixate about the bomb. The solution to that problem is political not technological. Technology cannot be blamed for a world political system based upon sovereign nation-states and supra-national power blocs. Here, as elsewhere, technology is a tool that can be used creatively or destructively. But the manner of its use depends entirely on human decisions and governments. The aspects that technology should be addressing, such as the disposal of radioactive waste and the quest to harness the energy released by fusion, are being sidelined. The answers are there. Technology could provide them. But we’re leaving it for future generations. This isn’t technological abuse. It’s technological under-use. Assuming that nuclear catastrophe can be averted, world civilisation will have to come to grips with the population problem if life is to remain tolerable on the planet. The problem can be tackled in two ways, both drawing on the resources of modern technology in the first place, efforts must be made to limit the rate of population increase. Medical technology has provided a powerful impulse to the increase of population but it also offers the means of controlling this increase. Again, technology is a tool that is neutral in respect to moral issues about its own use, but it would be futile to deny that artificial population control is inhibited by powerful moral constraints and taboos. Reconciliation of these conflicts is essential if stability in world population is to be satisfactorily achieved. Where is the will to do this? If technology is to provide any answer, marked must first be prepared to address the appropriate questions, but mankind has too many self-serving agendas. Label: Technology ▲ back to the top | 0 mockingjay(s) A little not having a heart, a new experience02.21This assignment of making a blog has to be done by the end of November. The blog has to have at least 10 posts about our lovely school and its activities. So please don’t be bored of my posts about it. Honestly, I run out of ideas about what I’d write on this post and the future posts. Then an idea to write about an experiment for Biology classes appeared in my head, but still I have no idea for the future posts. On Friday 25th November 2011, I started the day like usual. I actually wanted to Thank God that it was Friday, but then remembered that I’d dissect some animals at school for Biology classes, made me want to skip that day. It was actually new for me. I have never dissected any animals. My teacher had already divided the students in to 4 groups for that experiment. Each group has different animal. My group got bird as the animals that we’re going to dissect. The day was so gloomy. The rain was falling down when we’re reading the holy Quran. Maybe the sky knew that we’re going to kill some innocent God creatures. The first subject of the day is ICT. The teacher didn’t come, I didn’t know why. Maybe she’s busy or something. So the substitute teacher (actually she only came for a minute then gone) asked us to do the worksheets. The next subject was Maths. A bad news for me: I got bad score on trigonometry daily test. I knew that it was because I’ve been lazy with all aspects of my life that don’t include internet and I’ve been kind of adrift lately. I felt like my life had no direction including my subjects at school, but in my deepest heart I knew that I need to change that. The next is English class. The teacher’s sick. So, our biology teacher decided to have an early classes which means the birds would die earlier than we’re planned. We went to the Lab. As we entered the lab, we could see blood on the table. A set of murders came to my mind. Our birds were brought in a bag with 2 holes for breathing. I could say the birds were actually cute. They’re like a couple. Despite my penchant for having a cold, bitter, jaded heart, I was in tears when Mrs. Dewi drugged the animals. She began with one of the birds. It was difficult to make the bird unconscious. Then she left the bird a little unconscious, and continued to give an example to drug and dissect another animal. After we knew how, she continued to drug the birds. My group, Dodi and Randi helped her by holding the bird. Still the bird was conscious. So they gave up and began to dissect it. They made a cut on its chest. Slightly made me feel awful. The bird died before saw its heart. So actually it was failed. It’s supposed to be alive, so we could see what its heart look like when it’s still breathing. We still had one bird left. The bell’s ringing twice, means it’s time to have break time. ‘’Finally,’’ I sighed. And no longer after that Mrs. Dewi said, “We’re going to continue after this. I knew that Mrs. Ani’s sick so you’ll have a long biology class.” Arghhhh ! Another bird would die *cry* How great it was, huh? I really hoped that the bird could escape from the bag, while we're having break time. When we went back to the lab, I saw that the bird's still there not moving an inch since we left it. I kinda blamed the bird by the way. How could you not fly, bird?! Okay, I was a bit crazyy. Dodi and Randi began to drug it. It's as same as the previous bird. It died before we saw its heart. They buried the birds near the lab. I prayed for you birds. That was a new experience of dissecting animals for me. Hopefully my friend'd send me some photos of the experiments so I could share them with you all. :) kay so see you in the next post! Label: Biology Experiment, SMAN 8 Tangerang ▲ back to the top | 0 mockingjay(s) Small but InfluentialMinggu, 27 November 2011 17.30Many people said that SMAN 8 Tangerang is small for a high school. But hey, does it really matter?! Of course not. The important thing is what we could get in it and what we would be after we’re graduated. And as you enter SMAN 8 Tangerang small lobby, you could see many trophys and medals. I don’t mean to be so arrogant, but look we’re small but we can give our best. Here are some photos taken by my friend (thanks to her) As I mentioned before, you'll see these as you enter my school There you knew that even we’re not that big, we’ve had many achievements in academic and non-academic studies. Almost all of them are in academic studies though. Don’t judge the book by its cover, right? :) I just hoped that SMAN 8 Tangerang's small lobby will be better than before. Label: SMAN 8 Tangerang ▲ back to the top | 0 mockingjay(s) Study Tour, a brain refreshing.Rabu, 23 November 2011 02.17heyy! Wie geht es dir? It’s been a long time since I posted my last post. Are you bored with me complaining about all my hard times in SMAN 8 Tangerang? Yeah, the school made me stressed, but there’s a good reason behind that. Let’s forget that anyway. There’s always a bright side. My school also has many fun programmes, such as; study tour programme every year, sister school, and many events that we celebrate together at school. When I was 10th grader, we got Bandung as our study tour programme. We visited some educational places in Bandung such as; Puspa Iptek Bandung and Museum Geography. But we also visited a spring that’s located further than the places I mentioned before. We had to be arrived at ‘Terminal’ at 6 am and we’d go at 6.30 am, but a long with the rubber watch cultures, we went at 7.30 am. We had to do the worksheets which have been given before we go. The first place we visited was Puspa Iptek Bandung. It took us about 3 hours to get there. Puspa Iptek’s kinda like Taman Mini anyway. We tried many devices that connected with some of our subjects at school there. Here’s XI Science 2 at Puspa Iptek Bandung. We didn’t look stressed, did we? :D yeah almost everyone’s smiling. After that we went to Museum Geografi. Instead of seeing around the museum, we also watched a documentary film, slightly interesting. After that we went to Cihampelas. It's a street that has many shops and stores. Also there's Cihampelas walk. It's a mall, I guessed it's a new mall since not many people visited it. Last but not least we went to the spring, a very relaxing place. We took some pictures there. Thanks to our photographer , Raden Wisnu. Here you goo . We arrived in Tangerang almost midnight. There's a bright side studying at SMAN 8 Tangerang and a stressed side also :P Label: SMAN 8 Tangerang, Study Tour ▲ back to the top | 0 mockingjay(s) Updates of InsomniaRabu, 09 November 2011 03.25This is what I was writing yesterday. a late updates of mine. Sitting here, drinking a cup of coffee; a bad thing to do at 11 pm. I should’ve been sleeping, but I still awake. I felt like my brain is going to explode today. That feeling kept getting worse from hour to hour and got worst when the rain’s falling, but after I got a cup of coffee I felt better and also got INSOMNIA -_____- I can’t sleep. Is it a God’s test? Certainly no, it's not. I guess the coffee only postponed my brain from exploding and that feeling I felt today will come back tomorrow. Anyway, today’s 8th of the month. It’s a car free day for my school (SMAN 8 Tangerang, of course) My school has it monthly, every 8th. Every student in my school shouldn’t drive a car (of course, we aren’t allowed to drive a car to school) or ride a motorcycle on that day. Not all students do that. Some of them still ride motorcycles. They however want to not ride their motorcycles, if their houses aren’t far away from the school. Yeah as you know what will happen if we’re late. Today I went to school by myself, by that annoying public transportation, yep an Angkot exactly! Before I reached the Angkot’s stop I have to walk about 700 meters. I am sometimes dreaming about inventing a device like a teleport watch that can make me able to go from a place to another place without wasting my time on traffic. It's not plausible. I have to be more realistic. Today’s subjects are PE, Maths, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. On PE lesson, we always do a warm up first, and then run for about 8 minutes. That always makes me tired. But today is more tired than last time. I felt like I had my legs and feet broken. This is an unimportant exaggerating post from me and it’s almost midnight, and I’m not sleepy yet. I think I’m going to try to fall asleep now.........zzzzzz Label: car free day, Delta, SMAN 8 Tangerang ▲ back to the top | 0 mockingjay(s) accio SMAN 8 Tangerang!Sabtu, 05 November 2011 16.22Yep that’s my beloved school. It’s located at Jl. Besi Raya Perumnas II, Tangerang. SMAN 8Tangerang’s a national standardized school and on its way to be an international standardized school.It has good visions and missions. Strict is one of words that can describe it. I found that it’s a good thing, my school really cares about our disciplines in contrast to my old school ( I don’t have to say the name) which was lack of disciplines. It was a bit difficult for me to get used to it, but I quickly became accustomed to it. You will learn some new English vocabulary If you come late, because you’ll be asked to memorize some vocabulary including what they mean in English and Indonesian. Luckily, I haven’t come late since the first day I studied at this school. I would persuade my mum to permit me not to go to school until I got blue in the face if I woke up late. Our school also has many extracurricular activities. There are traditional dances, modern dances, sports, music, ICT club, and choir. SMAN 8 Tangerang also has already done a visit to a school in Singapore and Malaise. I rarely have time to play or relax my brain for a while, because there’s a lot of homework to do. Sometimes I have to stay up late to finish it. But really when I don’t have any homework, I will be like ‘’is it just a dream? “ lol. There’s a teacher whom most of the students try not to make a trouble with. He’s the strictest teacher in my school. Actually he’s not that scary, he just wants us to be a good people in the future. I got him as my English teacher when I was 10th grader. He actually likes joking with his students. He’s only strict when he needs to be. He gave us many challenging projects that we’ll never forget. I feel that my school as my second home. I spend most of my time at school. I also feel that my friends in XI Science 2 as my second family. They’re so united. We gave our class name ‘’Sepada’’. Its name was ‘’Ludah’’. My friends are unique as the way they are. There’s one who’s afraid to a small little pieces of sticky paper, the one that’s afraid of cat, etc. That’s a little description about my school. Label: Delta, SMAN 8 Tangerang ▲ back to the top | 0 mockingjay(s) Alohomora!16.10This’s my first post in this blog and a little bit introductions from me. My name’s Kandita. My friends at school call me Kandita, but at course I’m usually called Dita, but you can call me anything you want. I’m a 11th grader at SMAN 8 Tangerang. I’ve made blogs for like a million times, but I didn’t really use it because I wasn’t that interested in writing things. I made this blog for my assignment which was given from my teacher, Mrs.Dina. She’s happened to be my ICT teacher. Although our school’s one of the best schools in Tangerang, she’s a bit concerned about our beloved school SMAN 8 Tangerang because not many people know our school; even some people asked where SMAN 8 Tangerang’s located when we said that we’re students of SMAN 8. Alas, they usually mistake it for Label: Raison detra, SMAN 8 Tangerang ▲ back to the top | 0 mockingjay(s) |