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Kartini's day

Jumat, 11 Mei 2012 08.52

We celebrated Kartini’s day on 2nd May or 3rd May (I forgot). The school made some competitions. Designing clothes from recycled things, cooking for the boys, and wall magazine.

The boys cooked Fried rice. I heard that they forgot to bring some of the ingredients but I dunno. The boys said that they didn’t use soy sauce, but the jury liked it. They also said that the drink they made isn’t sweet enough. It’s because they didn’t bring sugar I guess.

For the designing competition, we didn’t have enough members. There are only less than 8 girls. We didn’t know what to do. But really feel sorry to the person who wore it. But she has the most Kartini look like.

Wall magazine, I didn’t know what to say. But Studio has done a hard work on it.
Even we didn’t win anything, we actually had fun J

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