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Future? what future drives me to?

Jumat, 11 Mei 2012 08.13

Guten abend! It has been long time since my last post. I have to post less than 20 more -__-  Caution: this contains depressed feeling from a high school student who’s still finding herself.
Future? Parents keep asking me about what I am going to take in university. Inspired by an article in newspaper which says that our country exports fuel cheaper than in the country, mum asked me to think about my future. “ well mum, I don’t want to be a politician nor make an oil companies. Those are complicated and not transparent things “ Father keeps saying that I need to study study and study. It’s sometimes annoying, because it usually ends with me sleeping on an opened book. And also I always feel that dad want me to be like mum -__- I’m me, and even I’m gonna die, I want to be me.

What I want to say is don’t they think what I feel. Much pressures, can’t do what they want, feel bad for that, angry at myself and them, can’t blame someone for that. I just can scream inside. I really wished I had an ability to control time so I could go back to my childhood. I am always adrift and just let everything flow. Sometimes I have mood to study, sometimes no. I really don’t know how to change that. If I keep doing that, I have to bury my dreams to be a doctor in a hole. Say goodbye to FKUI. I don’t want it to happen T^T

When can I change? ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH. Next semester resolution: study more, be more diligent, do homework by myself, try to get FKUI. Man Jadda wa jada. It’s possible.
This post is actually pointless. Not really useful for you but this, I hope will encourage me to be better than before ^^ auswiedersehen! J

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