Just close your eyes, the sun is going down ♥ |
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Stuck in headyou're now listening to 'Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift' |
A little not having a heart, a new experienceSenin, 28 November 2011 02.21This assignment of making a blog has to be done by the end of November. The blog has to have at least 10 posts about our lovely school and its activities. So please don’t be bored of my posts about it. Honestly, I run out of ideas about what I’d write on this post and the future posts. Then an idea to write about an experiment for Biology classes appeared in my head, but still I have no idea for the future posts. On Friday 25th November 2011, I started the day like usual. I actually wanted to Thank God that it was Friday, but then remembered that I’d dissect some animals at school for Biology classes, made me want to skip that day. It was actually new for me. I have never dissected any animals. My teacher had already divided the students in to 4 groups for that experiment. Each group has different animal. My group got bird as the animals that we’re going to dissect. The day was so gloomy. The rain was falling down when we’re reading the holy Quran. Maybe the sky knew that we’re going to kill some innocent God creatures. The first subject of the day is ICT. The teacher didn’t come, I didn’t know why. Maybe she’s busy or something. So the substitute teacher (actually she only came for a minute then gone) asked us to do the worksheets. The next subject was Maths. A bad news for me: I got bad score on trigonometry daily test. I knew that it was because I’ve been lazy with all aspects of my life that don’t include internet and I’ve been kind of adrift lately. I felt like my life had no direction including my subjects at school, but in my deepest heart I knew that I need to change that. The next is English class. The teacher’s sick. So, our biology teacher decided to have an early classes which means the birds would die earlier than we’re planned. We went to the Lab. As we entered the lab, we could see blood on the table. A set of murders came to my mind. Our birds were brought in a bag with 2 holes for breathing. I could say the birds were actually cute. They’re like a couple. Despite my penchant for having a cold, bitter, jaded heart, I was in tears when Mrs. Dewi drugged the animals. She began with one of the birds. It was difficult to make the bird unconscious. Then she left the bird a little unconscious, and continued to give an example to drug and dissect another animal. After we knew how, she continued to drug the birds. My group, Dodi and Randi helped her by holding the bird. Still the bird was conscious. So they gave up and began to dissect it. They made a cut on its chest. Slightly made me feel awful. The bird died before saw its heart. So actually it was failed. It’s supposed to be alive, so we could see what its heart look like when it’s still breathing. We still had one bird left. The bell’s ringing twice, means it’s time to have break time. ‘’Finally,’’ I sighed. And no longer after that Mrs. Dewi said, “We’re going to continue after this. I knew that Mrs. Ani’s sick so you’ll have a long biology class.” Arghhhh ! Another bird would die *cry* How great it was, huh? I really hoped that the bird could escape from the bag, while we're having break time. When we went back to the lab, I saw that the bird's still there not moving an inch since we left it. I kinda blamed the bird by the way. How could you not fly, bird?! Okay, I was a bit crazyy. Dodi and Randi began to drug it. It's as same as the previous bird. It died before we saw its heart. They buried the birds near the lab. I prayed for you birds. That was a new experience of dissecting animals for me. Hopefully my friend'd send me some photos of the experiments so I could share them with you all. :) kay so see you in the next post! Label: Biology Experiment, SMAN 8 Tangerang ▲ back to the top | 0 mockingjay(s) |