Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
Forget What You Know
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Sometimes what you know isn't always right. It might be different to all people.

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new thing at Delta

Rabu, 30 November 2011 05.40

It's linked to attendance. Yep the new way of knowing students attendance for teachers. We only need to place our finger (thumb) on an device that can determine whose finger it is and POOP! Your photo appears . lol It's new for me so i'm kinda curious about it.

I'm usually the 1st student who come to school, so I could satisfy my curiousity about it. I really wanted to know whether it will work or not if I put my other finger like middle finger, etc. andd I got that loud voice of '' silahkan coba lagi'' . Okay so that's enough. I gave up I put my thumb on it. and my photo appears. lol

This's my last post about SMAN 8 Tangerang. Finally I did it!


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